Art-of-Air Award_Zertifikat

2019 Art of Air Award

Hennef, December 21, 2019 – The Art of Air initiative, founded by AIRNERGY, has also awarded the Art of Air Award (AoAA), launched a year ago, to Dr. Jibin Chi, President of the Channel Biomedical Group and Director of the CHI Awakening Academy, in 2019. Chi has ...
Airnergy bei Brain Fog - Der Nebel im Gehirn_q

Brain Fog

Brain fog has become an increasingly encountered health condition in the general population, especially as a result of long-term COVID-19 infections. Interestingly, it is not considered a medical condition even though it is strongly linked with many clinical conditions such as chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, depression, autoimmune disease, and COVID-19.
AIRNERGY Newsletter
PULSAR Journal March 2022 AIRNERGY The secrets of food
AIRNERGY Keep Calm and Breath Aware
Airnergy AvantGarde mit Stream HS We have a Dream web

The use of AIRNERGY strengthens the energy and defenses

Immunity (Latin means independence, integrity) - a magic word that is currently on everyone's face. Free from illness, persecution and immunity from all hostile acts in the world: Yes, who does not want this heavenly state? Since the beginning…
AIRNERGY launches power dwarf
Free Energy Press Release
Health messenger press article AIRNERGY to support the immune system