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Die Lieferungen und Angebote der Airnergy International GmbH erfolgen ausschließlich auf der Grundlage der nachfolgenden Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen (AGB). Durch den Hinweis auf die AGB ohne einen Widerspruch des Bestellers erkennt dieser die AGB an. Hinweisen des Bestellers auf seine Geschäftsbedingungen wird hiermit widersprochen. Es gelten die zum Zeitpunkt des Vertragsschlusses durch die Airnergy International GmbH bereitgehaltenen Bedingungen. Diese sind u.a. über die Internetseite der Airnergy International GmbH einseh- und ausdruckbar.

Der Besteller bietet mit Übersendung/Übermittlung des unterzeichneten Formulars der Airnergy International GmbH den Abschluss eines Kauf-/Werklieferungsvertrages an. Er ist an seinen Antrag vier Wochen gebunden.

Der Vertrag ist geschlossen, wenn die Airnergy International GmbH die Annahme der Bestellung der näher bezeichneten Kaufgegenstände innerhalb dieser Frist schriftlich bestätigt hat oder die Lieferung ausgeführt ist. Die Airnergy International GmbH ist jedoch verpflichtet, den Besteller unverzüglich zu unterrichten, wenn die Bestellung nicht angenommen wird. Die Angaben zu Waren und Preisen unterliegen u.a. der Anpassung durch technische Veränderungen der angebotenen Produkte.

Soweit keine abweichende Vereinbarung getroffen wurde, gelten die Preise ab Werk, die gesetzliche Mehrwertsteuer ist nicht in den Preisen eingeschlossen, sie wird in gesetzliche Höhe am Tag der Rechnungsaustellung in der Rechnung gesondert ausgewiesen. Kostenvoranschläge für Reparaturaufwendungen sind grundsätzlich kostenpflichtig.


Die Zahlung erfolgt grundsätzlich per Vorab-Überweisung auf das Konto der Airnergy International GmbH. Auf Wunsch des Bestellers erfolgt eine Lieferung per Nachnahme. Die entstehenden Kosten hat der Besteller zu tragen. Der Airnergy International GmbH steht die Wahl des Lieferunternehmens frei. Die Airnergy International GmbH kann nach eigener Entscheidung auch gegen Rechnung liefern.


Rechnungen sind sofort ohne Abzug zur Zahlung fällig.


Zahlungen sind unmittelbar an die Airnergy International GmbH zu leisten. Zur Entgegennahme von Zahlungen sind Mitarbeiter der Airnergy International GmbH nur mit schriftlicher Inkasso-Vollmacht ermächtigt.


Bei Zahlungsverzug ist die Airnergy International GmbH unbeschadet der Geltendmachung weiteren Verzugsschadens berechtigt, Verzugszinsen in Höhe von 5% über dem jeweiligen Diskontsatz der Deutschen Bundesbank zu verlangen. Der Besteller kann der Airnergy International GmbH nachweisen, dass als Folge des Zahlungsverzuges kein oder ein wesentlich geringerer Schaden entstanden ist.


Der Besteller ist zur Aufrechnung nur mit unbestrittenen oder rechtskräftig festgestellten Gegenforderungen berechtigt. Ist der Besteller Kaufmann, ist er zur Ausübung eines Zurückbehaltungsrechts nur befugt, soweit die Gegenforderung unbestritten oder rechtskräftig festgestellt ist.


Die Airnergy International GmbH ist bemüht, die genannten Liefertermine einzuhalten. Angegebene Lieferzeiten sind jedoch stets nur annähernd und unverbindlich. Teillieferungen sind zulässig.


Die Einhaltung der Lieferverpflichtung der Airnergy International GmbH setzt die rechtzeitige und ordnungsgemäße Erfüllung der Mitwirkungspflicht des Bestellers voraus. Kommt der Besteller in Abnahmeverzug oder verletzt die Mitwirkungspflicht, ist die Airnergy International GmbH berechtigt, den Ersatz des Schadens einschließlich etwaiger Mehraufwendungen zu verlangen. Kommt der Besteller seiner Abnahmeverpflichtung auch nach nochmaliger schriftlicher Aufforderung mit einer Nachfristsetzung von 14 Tagen nicht nach, ist die Airnergy International GmbH berechtigt, vom Vertrag zurückzutreten oder Schadensersatz zu verlangen.

Verlangt die Airnergy International GmbH Schadensersatz, so beträgt dieser pauschal 20% des vereinbarten Kaufpreises. Der Schadensersatz ist höher oder niedriger anzusetzen, wenn die Airnergy International GmbH einen höheren oder der Besteller einen geringeren Schaden nachweist.


Leistungsort ist, soweit nichts Abweichendes vereinbart wurde, das Auslieferungslager der Airnergy International GmbH in Hennef.


Versand erfolgt auf Kosten und Gefahr des Bestellers. Eine Versicherung der Ware gegen Transportschäden erfolgt auf Kosten des Bestellers.


Im Falle einer Beanstandung der Ware hat der Besteller die Kosten für den Rücktransport der Ware an den Leistungsort und den Versand an ihn selbst nach Reparatur/Austausch zu tragen. Diese Regelung gilt nur für gewerbliche Besteller. Sie gilt weiterhin auch für Besteller mit Lieferanschrift außerhalb der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Der Besteller hat den Transport an den Leistungsort in einem solchen Falle zu veranlassen.


Beanstandet der Besteller die Ware und es wird festgestellt, dass kein Mangel vorliegt, für den die Airnergy International GmbH aus Sachmängelhaftung oder Garantie einstandspflichtig ist, so trägt der Besteller in jedem Falle die Kosten für den Transport. Eine Rücksendung an den Besteller erfolgt ebenfalls erst nach Kostenerstattung.


Der Besteller ist verpflichtet, die Ware unverzüglich auf Transportschäden, Falschlieferung und Mängelabweichungen zu untersuchen. Transportschäden sind gegenüber dem Beförderer geltend zu machen. Soweit die Airnergy International GmbH sich zur Übernahme der Transportgefahr bereit erklärt hat, sind Ansprüche des Kunden wegen Transportschäden ausgeschlossen, falls dieser es unterlässt, die Schäden dem Transportunternehmer anzuzeigen und die Airnergy International GmbH sofort zu verständigen.

Offensichtliche Mängel hat der Kunde der Airnergy International GmbH innerhalb von 2 Wochen nach Empfang der Ware schriftlich anzuzeigen. Ist der Kunde Kaufmann, gilt die Regelung der §§ 377, 378 HGB.


Soweit ein Sachmangel i.S.d. § 434 BGB vorliegt, ist die Airnergy International GmbH berechtigt, nach eigener Entscheidung nachzubessern oder Ersatz zu liefern. Diese Regelung gilt nicht, wenn es sich bei der Bestellung um einen Verbrauchsgüterkauf i.S.d. §§ 474 ff. BGB handelt. Schlägt auch der zweite Versuch der Nachbesserung oder Ersatzlieferung fehl, ist der Besteller berechtigt, vom Vertrag zurückzutreten oder den Kaufpreis zu mindern.


Gewährleistungsansprüche bestehen insbesondere nicht, wenn

a)  der Mangel darauf beruht, dass der Besteller an dem Kaufgegenstand Änderungen oder Erweiterungen vorgenommen oder diesen mit weder von der Airnergy International GmbH genehmigten noch von ihr gelieferten Ersatzteilen versehen hat.

b)  der Mangel auf eine unsachgemäße Benutzung, Bedienung, mangelnde Pflege oder Wartung oder auf gewaltsame Einwirkungen zurückzuführen ist.

c)  der Mangel auf Verschleiß beruht.


Zur Nachbesserung bzw. Ersatzlieferung ist die Airnergy International GmbH nur verpflichtet, wenn der Besteller seinerseits das dem Wert der mangelhaften Leistung entsprechende Entgelt gezahlt hat.


Sachmängelhaftungsansprüche des Bestellers stehen nur diesem zu und sind nicht abtretbar. Weitergehende als die gesetzlichen Ansprüche des Bestellers sind ausgeschlossen.


Der Anspruch des Bestellers auf Schadensersatz wegen einer Pflichtverletzung der Airnergy International GmbH, deren gesetzlicher Vertreter oder Erfüllungsgehilfen, insbesondere für Schäden, die nicht am Liefergegenstand selbst entstanden sind, für entgangenen Gewinn oder sonstige Vermögensschäden ist ausgeschlossen.


Diese Haftungsbegrenzung gilt nicht bei der vorsätzlichen oder fahrlässigen Verletzung einer vertraglichen Hauptpflicht durch die Airnergy International GmbH, deren gesetzliche Vertreter oder Erfüllungsgehilfen. Im Falle einer leicht fahrlässigen Verletzung einer vertraglichen Hauptpflicht haftet die Airnergy International GmbH höchstens bis zum typischerweise vorhersehbaren Schaden, der in der Regel den Kaufpreis der bestellten Ware nicht überschreitet. Die Haftung ist auf Schäden an der bestellten Ware beschränkt.


Die Haftungsbegrenzung gilt in Bezug auf Nebenpflichten ebenfalls nicht im Falle einer vorsätzlichen oder grob fahrlässigen Pflichtverletzung der Airnergy International GmbH, deren gesetzlicher Vertreter oder Erfüllungsgehilfen.


Eine Haftung ist gleichfalls nicht ausgeschlossen, soweit es sich um einen Schaden aus der Verletzung des Lebens, des Körpers oder der Gesundheit handelt.


Die Haftungsbeschränkung gilt ferner dann nicht, wenn der Besteller wegen des Fehlens einer zugesicherten Eigenschaft Schadensersatzansprüche wegen Nichterfüllung gemäß §§ 463, 480 Abs. 2 BGB geltend macht.


Die Regelungen der 7.6.3. und 7.6.4. gelten nicht, so weit des sich bei dem Besteller um einen gewerblichen Kunden handelt.


Die Verjährungsfrist für Ansprüche aus Sachmängelhaftung beträgt im Falle eines Verbrauchsgüterkaufs nach §§ 474 ff. BGB 2 Jahre, im Übrigen 1 Jahr, gerechnet ab dem Zeitpunkt des Gefahrüberganges. Diese Frist gilt auch für die Ansprüche auf Ersatz von Mängelfolgeschäden, soweit keine Ansprüche aus unerlaubter Handlung geltend gemacht werden.


Die Airnergy International GmbH behält sich das Eigentum an den gelieferten Waren bis zur vollständigen Zahlung aller der Airnergy International GmbH gegen den Besteller zustehenden und, wenn der Kunde Kaufmann ist, darüber hinaus aus der Geschäftsverbindung mit ihm zustehenden Forderungen, gleich aus welchem Rechtsgrund, vor.


Bei vertragswidrigem Verhalten des Bestellers, insbesondere bei Zahlungsverzug, ist die Airnergy International GmbH berechtigt, Herausgabe der Verkaufsache zu verlangen. In der Zurücknahme liegt kein Rücktritt vom Vertrag, es sei denn, die Airnergy International GmbH erklärt dies ausdrücklich schriftlich.


Der Kunde ist berechtigt, die unter Vorbehalt gelieferten Waren im Rahmen seines Geschäftsbetriebs weiter zu veräußern. Die sich aus der Weiterveräußerung der Ware oder einem sonstigen Rechtsgrund ergebenen Ansprüche tritt er im voraus in Höhe der der Airnergy International GmbH gegen ihn zustehenden Forderungen an die Airnergy International GmbH ab.


Der Besteller ist verpflichtet, die unter Eigentumsvorbehalt gelieferte Ware pfleglich zu behandeln und bis zur Eigentumsübertragung gegen Untergang und Verlust auf seine Kosten zu versichern.

Der Käufer ist damit einverstanden, daß persönliche Daten seiner Bestellung elektronisch gespeichert und für die Zwecke der Geschäftsbeziehung entsprechend den gesetzlichen Vorschriften verarbeitet werden.

Für alle Vertragsbeziehungen gilt deutsches Recht unter Ausschluß des UN-Kaufrechts.

Erfüllungsort für alle Ansprüche aus dem Vertragsverhältnis ist Hennef. Als Gerichtsstand für alle Streitigkeiten wird Siegburg vereinbart, sofern der Besteller Kaufmann ist.


Nebenabreden und Änderungen dieses Vertrages sind nur rechtswirksam, wenn sie von der Airnergy International GmbH schriftlich bestätigt werden.


Sollte eine Regelung oder ein Teil einer Regelung dieser Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen oder eines hierauf verweisenden Vertrages unwirksam sein, so berührt dies nicht die Wirksamkeit der übrigen Regelungen. Die Parteien verpflichten sich in einem derartigen Fall, eine neue Vereinbarung zu treffen, die dem wirtschaftlichen Zweck der ungültigen Regelung möglichst nahe kommt und die sie vereinbart hätten, wenn sie deren Unwirksamkeit gekannt hätten.

Version: 1.1

Stand: 1. November 2022


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Version: 1.2

Stand: 1. November 2022


Press information

Chi in Little Atmos

17. June 2022 Press release


Jibin Chi, MD, MBA, MBI

CHI Awakening Academy, Sweden

From a linguistic perspective, “atmos” is a rather clever English abbreviation which has some philosophical knowledge embedded in it. Atmos is short for atmosphere which is the invisible gaseous envelope surrounding the earth. For this reason, “atmos” can be easily substituted with the word “air” and often is replaced with the word “air”. However, there is far more complexity in the meaning of this little word. This is how I would like to start this chapter about CHI in Little Atmos.

Here you can read more

Jibin Chi (MD. MBA. MBI) Understanding COVID-19, Understanding Airnergy

24 June 2022 Press release

Understanding COVID-19, Understanding Airnergy

Jibin Chi MD.MBA.MBI

CHI Awakening Academy, Sweden

The outbreak of coronavirus has cost over 6 million lives while countless others are suffering from long-term severe mental and physical issues known as Post-Acute Sequelae of COVID-19 (PASC). A recent study indicates 67% of individuals with long COVID-19 develop a condition known as dysautonomia which affects cognition, immune function, inflammation, coagulation, fatigue and exercise intolerance, among others. In addition, many vaccinated people are struggling with unexpected side effects.

Throughout the pandemic, Airnergy has brought a sense of light and hope to many people by helping them with recovery, healing and self-protection. Numerous cases and testimonials were reported on the beneficial effects of Airnergy against COVID-19 infection as well as vaccine-related side effects. For this reason, Airnergy has once again attracted the public’s attention. The last time Airnergy contributed to a mass population recovery was after the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan in 2011. At the same time, many questions have poured in from the pub- lic and from healthcare communities around the world on the mechanism behind Airnergy’s remarkable benefi- cial effects. As a recipient of the Art of Air Award, I feel obliged to answer some of these burning questions. This article is formulated in a step-wise structure for the purpose of clarity. Considering that the scientific explanation can be challenging, I will try to explain things in layman’s terms wherever possible to promote understanding:


Here you can download the “Information for science” 

Lebensträume April 2022 (Life dreams)

21 april 2022 Press release

Lebensträume april 2022 (Life dreams)

Here you can download the full magazine

The stressed soul – depression, burn-out, sleep problems

15 July 2021 Press release

Burn-out, sleep problems, depression – lack of energy?

Special topic presented by AIRNERGY

Bring performance! Push the pace! But for God’s sake, no mistakes! Faster, higher, further, better, more and more! Minute by minute, without a break, this is now the required minimum standard, “normality” in our everyday life! Until the body no longer participates, has no more strength. Lack of energy is the scourge of the modern lifestyle – Airnergy declares war on lack of energy.

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Health Messenger Issue 2-2021

Forest bathing at home

01 June 2021 Press release

The energy of healthy forest air can refuel health and well-being

Recharge health and well-being through the energy of healthy forest air

The World Health Organization (WHO) believes that air pollution poses the greatest health risk to humans. Air pollution is the cause of more than 88 percent of premature deaths in low- and middle-income countries. Pollution is not only due to emissions from industry and households. The deforestation has also contributed to this misery in terms of breathing air. Today, nine out of ten people worldwide already breathe polluted air, and around seven million people die from it every year, according to the WHO.

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Tattva special edition June 2021

A testimonial of the AIRNERGY breathing air device

19 May 2021 Press Release

This video was created as a kind of “little gift” to Airnergy.

This video is not a promotional video and was sent to us out of conviction for our breathing air equipment.

Almost every day we receive testimonials from satisfied users who no longer want to miss their AIRNERGY breathing air cure and sometimes describe drastic improvements in their well-being and health status. So we received this experience video as a thank you from a convinced user and would like to share it with you.

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Personal experience report on AIRNERGY

Voice of Yoga meets UNDER ONE SKY

April 21, 2021 Press Release

“L.A. is born”: Airnergy supported concert to welcome a new vitalizer

Relaxing meditative journey for the soul premieres on YouTube on April 21

Hennef, April 21, 2021 – “Heat, Light, Confidence”: These are the essential elements that a new musical project, recently initiated and recorded in a studio in Cologne-Mülheim’s Schanzenviertel, wants to convey. Under the title “The Concert – Voice of Yoga meets UNDER ONE SKY”, Cher-Ginger Baratta (“Voice of Yoga”) and the founder of the project “UNDER ONE SKY”, Erik Millgramm, invite their listeners to a meditative journey into their own self. The concert was made possible by the support of Airnergy. The Hennefer biotech company wants its new vitalizer, the “power dwarf” among the popular forest air generators called “L.A.” (“Little Atmos” – “The Little Atmos”), youngest and smallest member of the Airnergy family, welcome musically. In addition, it wants to give its customers a small gift with the performance. The official premiere of the concert will take place on April 21, 2021, at 8:21 p.m. on the YouTube channel “Art of Air Initiative”,which has successfully launched the “Day of the Air” in 2018 (annually on December 21st).

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Image copyright The Voice of Yoga meets Under One Sky

The power dwarf of AIRNERGY for forest bathing!

March 25, 2021 Press Release

26th Pulsar Congress Issue | Austria

Pulsar reports on medical-natural healing, ecological, philosophical-psychological and religious-spiritual topics. Pulsar addresses people of different ways of thinking with sophisticated and accurate reporting in order to stimulate a dialogue between conflicting opinions and the media. Pulsar has also published several times on Airnergy as well as related scientific topics. In the upcoming issue 3/21, which will be published in Austria on 25.03.21, the youngest member of the Airnergy family, “L.A.” (Little Atmos) on pages 22 and 23.

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PULSAR Journal March 2022 AIRNERGY The secrets of food

Air quality: Is air always the same?

March 8, 2021 Press Release

Natural medicine | QS24 Health TV

Is air always the same? The importance of the air quality we breathe every day is often underestimated. The guide «Little Atmos» clarifies with regard to air and gives us data that we have not yet heard and do not learn in school… In the news we heard as late as January 2020 about the frighteningly high CO₂ levels and the impending climate catastrophe, which was then replaced by the pandemic that started in February 2020 and then quickly forgotten. And that takes the issue of air – or even just CO₂ levels – off the table again.

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Air quality - Is air always the same 800x800

AIRNERGY launches power dwarf

February 25, 2021 Press Release

The “L.A.”, the smallest and youngest member of the Airnergy family

Europe’s largest business newspaper for direct sales reports on the successful market launch of the new vitalizer “Little Atmos”.

The “L.A.”, the smallest and youngest member of the Airnergy family, was designed as a volume model 20 years after the first Airnergy energy filling stations were issued, and again, as is customary with the models of the exclusive “AvantGarde” series, constructed according to the “Golden Cut”.

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AIRNERGY launches power dwarf

Free energy and better air quality

February 22, 2021 Press Release

When enthusiasm and perseverance meets a vision.

The development of Airnergy and its founder and managing director Guido Bierther is a 20-year success story with many ups and downs. But with a lot of perseverance and the most important “basic food” of the breathing air, it has become a success story.

Guido Bierther tells his and the story of Airnergy in an interview with Alexander Glogg of

The interview also takes place on the occasion of the presentation of the smallest Airnergy catalyst to the L.A. (“Little Atmos”).

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Free Energy Press Release

Powerful entry-level model Little Atmos (L.A.) now on the market

February 21, 2021 Press Release

Orders at special conditions now possible

Hennef, February 21, 2021 – The time has come: As in the Airnergy December newsletter Announced on 21.12.2020, the mainly consumer-long-awaited Airnergy version for entry is now on the market: the so-called “Little Atmos” or “Little Atmos” (short “L.A.”), a novel Airnergy vitalizer, surprised very positively at its official launch on February 21, 2021; the first systems will be ready for delivery to customers from 4 March 2021.

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AIRNERGY power dwarf Little Atmos

How does Magdalena Neuner (Holzer) feel about AIRNERGY?

February 10, 2021 Press Release

Magdalena Neuner (today: Holzer), record world champion and Olympic champion in biathlon and zz. ARD expert and commentator on biathlon, thanks for the effective Airnergy-Vitalization.

She tells us: “… We are really very busy refuelling. Our daughter asks at least twice a day if she is allowed to do “this with the air”. I think she seems to be doing really well. She sometimes has trouble falling asleep in the evening, and I think it worked out very well at the weekend. And I’m doing really, really well, too. We are so happy! Thank you again.

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Magdalena Neuner AIRNERGY Blog post

AIRNERGY+ vitalizers support the immune system

08 January 2021 Press Release

Health messenger NRW – Issue 01 | 2021

In the latest issue of the health messenger NRW, valuable health tips and treatment trends as well as new treatment options in the field of complementary medicine and conventional medicine are presented. The health messenger NRW focuses on the AIRNERGY devices and explains their effect and the benefits for us humans. With the special topic “Strengthening the immune system” you will learn a lot of interesting and useful things about our own armor.

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Health messenger press article AIRNERGY to support the immune system

Art of Air Award awarded on Day of the Air (21.12.)

January 1, 2021 Press Release

The latest issue of the Naturopathy Journal with the theme “Art of Air Award” awarded on the “Day of the Air” (21.12.)!

Hennef, December 21, 2020 – Air has always fascinated humanity as one of the four basic elements: fire, water, air, and earth determine earthly life and have always had a tremendous influence on humanity. Consisting of oxygen, nitrogen and noble gases, the air envelops our earth. For human metabolism, air is essential: humans and animals need it to breathe; without them, it would not be possible to generate energy. The importance of air as our highest good can therefore hardly be overestimated, since it is the source of all our existence – from the first to the last breath.

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Naturopathy Journal January 2021 AIRNERGY Blog post

Award of the Akademie Engelsburg with the Art of Vision Award

December 28, 2020 Press Release

Aort of Air Award Ceremony

Martin Laker received the “Vision Award” from the “Art of Air” initiative, representing his Academy Engelsburg. “With the Engelsburg Academy, I’m following my calling,” Laker said. “The connection between matter and spirituality is natural and should be lived by us again, as spiritual beings incarnating in material bodies. Life is much easier than most people think; it is the (school) sciences that make it cumbersome and complicated. All people are equipped with a brain and it is natural to think for themselves to make decisions. Self-responsibility is part of this, for body, mind and soul.”

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Martin Laker Academy Art of Air Award Engelsburg News

Spirovital therapy for healthy breathing air with AIRNERGY

December 28, 2020 Press Release

Guido Bierther, an award-winning entrepreneur, informs about oxygen & health

Guido Bierther is a successful German entrepreneur and inventor of AIRNERGY International GmbH. He has been awarded several prestigious science and innovation prizes and has been working with scientists, doctors and top athletes in the field of oxygen therapy for two decades. His wealth of experience is correspondingly very large and is shared in an interview with Jan Walter.

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Atemluft und Gesundheit

Seven-time Art of Air Award in 2020

December 28, 2020 Press Release

7 prizewinners were delighted with the award

Hennef, December 21, 2020 – “Seven at a stroke” – who doesn’t know him: The famous proverb from the fairy tale of the Brothers Grimm “The Brave Little Tailor”? With this in mind, the Art of Air initiative (initiated by Hennef health company Airnergy) awarded 7 people the Art of Air Award (AoAA) 2020 on 21 December 2020. With this prize, the initiative, which was first advertised to AoAA two years ago on the occasion of the 18th birthday of Airnergy (founding of the company in 2000), aims to draw attention to the importance of our most valuable food, which is indispensable for all people. The AoAA honours individuals, groups, companies and institutions for their innovative achievements and successes in the field of air (more precisely in the field of atmosphere).

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Art of Air Award - Health Award

(Re-) Vitalization strengthens energy and defenses

December 22, 2020 Press Release

Scientists and users worldwide confirm the benefits of AIRNERGY

Immunity (Latin means independence, integrity) – a magic word that is currently on everyone’s face. Free from illness, persecution and immunity from all hostile acts in the world: Yes, who does not want this heavenly state? Since the beginning of Covid 19 disease, however, most people have only thought of the medical content of the word as much as “free of disease”, i.e. “the immune system acquired by contact with pathogens or their poisons to be of the organism in the face of specific external attacks or the ability of the organism to eliminate certain pathogens without symptoms”. According to the lexicon.

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Airnergy AvantGarde mit Stream HS We have a Dream web

AIRNERGY Award: Air Day – 21.12.2020

December 21, 2020 Press Release

Art of Air Award Ceremony on Air Day – 21.12.2020

Airnergy, which has focused on the topic of air for 20 years, has been awarding the “Art of Air Award” in various categories since 2018. This important event is of particular importance, especially since the concern for our air is very limited and hardly anyone knows what must be contained in a healthy and good air. Whether air is “high in energy” or “low-energy” has hardly gained any significance in medicine and in the interests of people. It should be clear to everyone how important the air is. Just hold your breath for a minute! The Air Day, proclaimed by Airnergy, takes place every year on 21.12. Instead of. And in 2020, QS24, the Swiss health television with its numerous reports on the topic of air, has also been awarded an award.

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Airnergy Art of Air Award 21.12.2020

21.12.2020 – Airnergy Newsletter

December 21, 2020 Press Release

Keep Calm and Breath Aware

On behalf of Airnergy, we are pleased to be able to send you a newsletter at the end of this eventful and eventful year, which gives you an overview of what we do and what we do.

The new circumstances around “Corona” with all the far-reaching effects, severe limitations and consequences have of course also left their mark on Airnergy. But above all we see “light at the end of the tunnel”. At Airnergy, we took advantage of the forced break imposed, preparing our company and the media for the new era

Yes, Corona is this year’s overpowering theme. Not a day goes by without us not having to hear or see any horror stories again. And so humanity observes the development around Corona – divided by different public opinion – on the one hand longingly, on the other hand anxious, ignorant and waiting for the vaccine, for the supposedly healing elixir. Not knowing yet whether this new form of vaccination can protect against the current threats at all, permanently or at least for a longer period of time. Thus, the hope, but also the uncertainty, remains whether the expected side effects do not exceed the real problem. The list of ingredients should sooner or later provide information.

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What do we breathe and where is the water?

August 10, 2020 Press Release

Unfortunately, the fact that air is the most important asset for us human beings is often completely overlooked and underestimated.

Of course, there is fine dust and much more in the air – but who is wondering about the energy it contains. Energy in the air is crucial for many processes in the body of a biological system. And these can be vitalized and energized. A very special technology makes this possible – and has been doing this for 20 years now.

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The Little Atmos is now also available as a documentary!

July 27, 2020 Press Release

The Secret Relationships Between Atmosphere & Health

In keeping with our latest and most compact development of the AIRNERGY Little Breathing Device, we would like to educate you with this video and guide on why you breathe 15,000 litres a day of pure breathing air and why it has a much greater impact on your health than eating or drinking what you eat.
Per breath, up to 1.3 trillion water molecules reach you, which are either lifeless or energized with the help of our vitalizers.

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Breathing air – respiratory protection from the inside

July 23, 2020 Press Release

Guido Bierther in an interview with the radio station Naturmedizin | QS24

In the current situation, there is a lot of discussion about respiratory protection. In this conversation with Guido Bierther, the connection between Airnergy and its preventive effect is illustrated. He also cites some testimonials from the professional sports sector.

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Breathing air - respiratory protection from the inside

The brain training of the future with brain+

July 6, 2020 Press Release

brain+ The young AIRNERGY & neobeats brand for mindfulness

Marvin Albert (born 1996), an internet entrepreneur from Worms/Cologne, not only had a fine snack when he was outside the health matrix, as he publicly calls it, in early 2020 in search of advice for a better quality of life, especially for his 80-year-old grandfather as well as himself, and after a short email exchange he appeared at Airnergy in Hennef.

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Special publication: Naturopathy Journal April 2020

April 14, 2020 Press Release

The Art of Air 2019: A Journey Through the Century

Implementation of theoretical Nobel Prize research in state-of-the-art technology.

Dr. Jibin Chi on the link between Nobel Prize research and AIRNERGY science. Below are some essential excerpts translated from his English-language lecture.

In his foreword “Journey through the Century”, Chi briefly examines the groundbreaking achievements of the two Nobel laureates Dr. Corneille Heymans and Dr. Otto Warburg in the field of oxygen measurement.

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Natural Medicine Magazine

AIRNERGY cooperation partner: A pioneer in the field of mental training

April 14, 2020 Press Release

Neobeats Interactive Listening Programs The pioneer in the field of mental training is the new AIRNERGY cooperation partner

Vitalizers are used in BRAIN+ devices

Hennef, March 30, 2020 – AIRNERGY recently agreed on a new forward-looking cooperation: The new partner of the health care company from Hennef/Sieg is Neobeats, the pioneer in the field of mental training, which offers easy-to-use interactive listening programs. Neobeats presents the first holistic German-language offer for Brainwave Entrainment, which offers a broad population a unique mix of effective listening sessions, practical tips and an active community.

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AIRNERGY vitalizers provide valuable help even in the current Corona crisis

March 16, 2020 Press Release

Especially in times of the waves of flu or the currently threatening corona crisis, the AIRNERGY vitalizers provide valuable help, as they not only strengthen the cells of the lungs and the energy system of the human being by absorbing energy through the respiratory tract.

On the one hand, they can contribute naturally to the prevention of the disease, and on the other hand, they can initiate, maintain or optimise regeneration processes in those affected by the coronavirus.

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AIRNERGY Vitalisatoren leisten auch in aktueller Corona Krise wertvolle Hilfe

On corporate arrondissement: Ordered liquidation of AIRNERGY AG in favour of AIRNERGY International GmbH

March 13, 2020 Press Release

Vitalizers also provide valuable help in corona diseases

Airnergy AG, a healthcare company from Hennef/Sieg and a subsidiary of Airnergy International GmbH, will be liquidated by shareholder resolution of 19 February 2020.

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Headquarters Airnergy Headquater Hennef

54th Medical Week Baden-Baden from 28.10.-1.11.2020

March 12, 2020 Press Release

Europe’s largest medical congress for complementary medicine

AIRNERGY will once again be taking part this year: medical week Baden-Baden is the largest congress in Europe for complementary medicine and a platform for training, further education and training, dialogue and encounter.

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54. Medizinische Woche Baden-Baden vom 28.10.-1.11.2020

Current report on forest bathing with AIRNERGY in the Quell-Magazin (issue 55)

February 13, 2020 Press Release

Magazine for sustainable living “Quell”

The magazine for sustainable living “Quell” reports in its issue 55 (pages 12 & 13) on the quality of a healthy air atmosphere, the meaning of forest bathing and overall on the often underestimated topic: “Conscious breathing”.

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Current report on forest bathing with AIRNERGY in the Quell magazine

Confirm numerous reference letters

12 February 2020 Press release

Doctors, therapists, patients and athletes are enthusiastic users

“AIRNERGY has changed my whole life, finally made it worth living again.” Users of AIRNERGY technology have been expressing themselves with enthusiasm for many years. In countless letters to the medical device manufacturer from Hennef/Sieg, patients express their joy, thank athletes for their successes, praise doctors and therapists for the effective support or point to new valuable insights that they were able to achieve with the help of AIRNERGY.

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AIRNERGY Stream HS Black and White Composition

AIRNERGY reports in the health messenger NRW

January 10, 2020 Press Release

Magazine Gesundheitsbote NRW

In the January issue of the magazine Health Bote NRW, the Hennefer company AIRNERGY International GmbH reports on a total of four pages about the technology and possibilities that I can derive from the application by spirovitalization by means of the AIRNERGY devices.

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AIRNERGY reports in the health messenger NRW

2019 Art of Air Award

21. December 2019 Press release

Dr. Jibin Chi again awarded the “Art of Air Award”

Researchers unearthed new groundbreaking findings on breathing atmosphere

Hennef, December 21, 2019 – The Art of Air initiative, founded by AIRNERGY, has also awarded the Art of Air Award (AoAA), launched a year ago, to Dr. Jibin Chi, President of the Channel Biomedical Group and Director of the CHI Awakening Academy, in 2019. Chi has to do with holistic medicine worldwide, or more precisely: translational medicine, an interdisciplinary branch of biomedicine that brings together the three main pillars of research, treatment and science to promote further development and improvement of prevention, diagnosis and therapy. Dr. Chi received the prize in the “Science” category for his extraordinary achievements in the field of breathing atmosphere.

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2019 Art of Air Award

53rd Medical Week in Baden-Baden from 30.10.2019 – 03.11.2019

24 October 2019 Press release

Medical Week 2019

The 53rd Medical Week in Baden-Baden is just around the corner and AIRNERGY is back as every year.

We would be pleased if we could welcome you again this year at our booth 25 on the 1st floor.

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53rd Medical Week Baden-Baden from 28.10.-1.11.2020