Airnergy · Research and Science · Chi-Compendium

Scientific articles on Airnergy technology by Dr. Jibin Chi

Airnergy's scientific research and experience in natural processes, such as photosynthesis, energy production, respiration and quantum physical processes in cellular respiration in living organisms, is the basis of the multiple award-winning innovative technology in the Airnergy vitalizers. It has been awarded the “Century Award for Innovation”, the international “Five Star Diamond Award” from the American Academy of Hospitality Sciences (New York City) and the “Science Award of the IPO for Medical Cures 2015” (IPO = International Prevention Organization - the largest non-profit organization for networking important health issues in Europe). In order to make the scientific background understandable, the internationally renowned researcher, medical doctor and lecturer, Dr. Jibin Chi, President of the Channel Biomedical Group and Director of the CHI Awakening Academy, regularly writes articles, which we present to you here in an overview.

Scientific articles by Dr. Jibin Chi in the Airnergy web portfolio

General overview · scientific articles · Dr. Jibin Chi

Click on the respective image or headline or the link below the text excerpt to open the separate PDF with the entire article.

  • Airnergy im Vergleich, healing your self, Regeneration, Atmen
    Comparing airnergy with other breathing technologies
    Airnergy stands apart from other technologies by combining the benefits of both electro-chemical and electro-magnetic energy transfer.
    Airnergy technology mimics the natural process of photosynthesis and cellular respiration. It ingeniously utilized the three most important elements of life: Light, Air, and Water.
    Link to separate PDF Airnergy im Vergleich, healing your self, Regeneration, Atmen, separate PDF
  • Oxidativer Stress: Eine schwer fassbare Ursache von Entzündungen und Krankheiten, healing your self, Regeneration, Atmen
    Oxidative stress: an elusive root cause of inflammation and diseases
    Oxidative stress occurs when there is an excess of free radicals produced in the body and insufficient antioxidants to counteract them. It is closely linked with inflammation and is implicated in hundreds of diseases. Additionally, oxidative stress and inflammation are intertwined, creating a loop that exacerbates underlying health issues. The oxidative stress theory of aging suggests that structural damage and functional losses result from the accumulation of oxidative damage to macromolecules.
    Despite strong evidence implicating oxidative stress in inflammation and diseases, clinical studies on antioxidants or supplements have mostly been unsuccessful as preventive measures. There have been various speculations and discussions regarding the paradoxical outcome observed between antioxidant prevention and oxidative stress. Some attribute the failure to inappropriate agents, while others suggest it is due to targeting the wrong factors.
    Link to separate PDF Airnergy, healing your self, Regeneration, Atmen, separate PDF
  • Die unverblümte Wahrheit- Freie Radikale sind lebensnotwendig, healing your self, Regeneration, Atmen
    Comparing airnergy with other breathing technologies
    According to classical physics, all matter consists of countless atoms. Atoms have a nucleus orbited by electrons, similar to satellites orbiting the Earth in space. When atoms lose one of their electrons, they become highly reactive and unstable, leading them to steal electrons from other adjacent molecules to regain stability. These atoms, molecules, or ions with unpaired electrons are known as free radicals. The most common free radicals include Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS), such as superoxide (O2-), hydroxyl radical (OH.), and singlet oxygen.
    Link to separate PDF Airnergy, healing your self, Regeneration, Atmen, separate PDF
    The science of anti-aging – A discovery that has changed the world
    Today, anti-aging has become one of the most sought-after topics when it comes to healthcare and wellness. People are lost in the vast available products and solutions on how to fight the aging process. It would be like finding a needle in a haystack if I simply stated that Airnergy is a great technology for anti-aging. Thus, rather than getting lost in the madness, I would like to start by telling the story of how the science of anti-aging has come about in the history of medicine. In this way, we can better understand the fundamental science of aging and what Airnergy has to offer in anti-aging.
    Link to separate PDF Airnergy, healing your self, Regeneration, Atmen, separate PDF
  • Licht und Leben, healing your self, Regeneration, Atmen
    Revitalising your cells with airnergy
    This is what Airnergy can do for you. Life is impossible without Light, Air, and Water: the LAW of Life. Airnergy makes the impossible possible: similar to modern heating systems that provide cosy warmth throughout the house, Airnergy can supply our cells with unlimited energy and, like a solarium, it can treat our mitochondria with an energising sunbath.
    Link to separate PDF Airnergy, healing your self, Regeneration, Atmen, separate PDF
  • copd, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Strengthening, therapy, airnergy-stream
    Copd: A debilitating breathless struggle
    Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a formidable foe in the domain of respiratory disorders, marked by the obstruction of airways and an abnormal inflammatory response within the lungs. Despite its primary respiratory nature, COPD is recognized as a systemic ailment closely associated with an abnormal adaptive immune response provoked by prolonged pathogen exposure.
    Individuals burdened with COPD are entrapped in a hypermetabolic state, spending all of their energy in the act of inhaling and thus fighting for each breath. ...
    COPD is just one among many health conditions in dire need of fundamental energy, and it can benefit significantly from the use of Airnergy and Airnergy Stream. Link to separate PDF Airnergy, healing your self, Regeneration, Atmen, separate PDF
  • Aye grafic, Age-related macular degeneration (AMD)
    Macular degeneration: A looming sight threat as we age
    Age-related macular degeneration (AMD), is a severe medical condition that can have significant effects on health, particularly vision. This condition can cause a loss of central vision or a blurring of vision within the central visual field.
    ... In summary, Airnergy's groundbreaking approach, outlined in this article, offers a unique solution to those dealing with age-related macular degeneration. ...
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  • science of longevity
    The science of longevity is evolving rapidly, and for the first time, we are beginning to unlock the secrets of a longer, healthier life.
    Airnergy generate pure "energy modelled on nature" from water - the final product of cellular respiration ... delivers a powerful elixir of energy through Airnergy breathing. This innovation has transformed the lives of millions, helping them not only live longer but also healthier and happier lives. ...
    The takeaway is - breathing Airnergy is the ultimate biohacking for longevity and vitality. Link to separate PDF Airnergy, healing your self, Regeneration, Atmen, separate PDF
  • healing your self, Regeneration, Atmen
    Corporate health has evolved over the years, mirroring shifts in our understanding of health within the workplace. Historically, employee health was often overlooked, as employers primarily prioritized productivity. In recent years, corporate health management has taken on a more holistic approach, seamlessly integrating wellness programs with broader health management strategies, encompassing both physical and mental well-being. Numerous market studies and research have been conducted to demonstrate the beneficial outcomes associated with the implementation of effective corporate health management programs.
    Link to separate PDF Airnergy, healing your self, Regeneration, Atmen, separate PDF
  • Mit Airnergy die Grenzen der Magnetfeld-Therapie überschreiten, healing your self, Regeneration, Atmen
    Life is a miraculous symphony that is orderly and structured out of a seemingly chaos world. Each cell and each molecule maintain its unique traits, yet bear the same rhythms as the entire human system.
    All diseases, suffering, and pains are caused by a lack of oxygen at the cellular level. This is just partially correct. The real reason is the inability to have efficient cellular respiration due to a lack of symphony of life.
    Link to separate PDF Airnergy, healing your self, Regeneration, Atmen, separate PDF
  • Airnergy bei Stress: Eine Fallstudie von Dr. Chi, healing your self, Regeneration, Atmen
    Airnergy on stress: Case study with Dr. Chi
    Stress has become a significant health concern over the last decade. An estimated $1 trillion in yearly lost productivity is attributed to stress, and it is forecasted to reach $16 Trillion by 2030. The ubiquitous nature of stress causes a broad range of physical and mental health issues, and it impacts people of all ages, professions, and cultural backgrounds. Despite numerous clinical, conventional, and lifestyle-oriented interventions, it remains a real challenge in stress management. This therapeutic case study was conducted at the biggest holistic wellness cruise to evaluate Airnergy as a viable green technology for effectively releasing systematic stress in the mind and body.
    Link to separate PDF Airnergy, healing your self, Regeneration, Atmen, separate PDF
  • Brain Fog: Der Nebel im Gehirn, healing your self, Regeneration, Atmen
    Brain fog has become an increasingly encountered health condition in the general population, especially as a result of long-term COVID-19 infections. Interestingly, it is not considered a medical condition even though it is strongly linked with many clinical conditions such as chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, depression, autoimmune disease, and COVID-19. ...
    Nature is one. It is not divided into physics, chemistry, or quantum physics. The human body is a part of nature, and whatever happens to our body or mind is inseparable from the vast vital energy of life. I can only encourage everyone to look into life and look into Airnergy for true well-being.
    Link to separate PDF Airnergy, healing your self, Regeneration, Atmen, separate PDF
  • Brain Fog: Der Nebel im Gehirn, healing your self, Regeneration, Atmen
    MS is an inflammatory neurological disorder that involves malfunctions in the autoimmune system, gut microbiota, and mitochondria. Beyond energy production, mitochondria are central to cellular metabolism and play vital roles in the regulation of cellular communication, metabolism, and immune system. Their proper functioning determines the health status of cells, that in turn determines the health of different organs and systems. Those long-living cells such as neurons, suffer more from mitochondria dysfunction than other cell types.
    Link to separate PDF Airnergy, healing your self, Regeneration, Atmen, separate PDF
  • Mit Airnergy in die eigene Gesundheit investieren, Selbstheilung, Regeneration, Atmen
    If you think about the journey we are going through in our lifetime, it is rather ironic and pathetic. At a young age, we try to learn all the knowledge and skills that are required for making a successful career in our life. At that stage, we have no money but good health and vitality. After entering the professional workforce, we put all our efforts into making a great success in wealth and fame. This is the phase in which we make an exchange between our health and wealth. We want to accumulate as much money as possible by sacrificing our health. At an old age, unfortunately, we take all our life earnings and savings to buy our health back. In the end, we have neither the wealth nor the health.
    Link to separate PDF Airnergy, healing your self, Regeneration, Atmen, separate PDF
  • Licht und Leben, healing your self, Regeneration, Atmen
    Whitepaper Dr Jibin Chi - Airnergy Stream - on a journey through light and life.pdf
    Light is the essence of life and lies at the center of every aspect of life on Earth. Sunlight has been the primary energy source for photosynthesis for more than three billion years. Through this process, light energy is captured in the water molecule, which acts as a catalyst for the production of oxygen and glucose from carbon dioxide. In contrast, cellular respiration reverses this process within living organisms such as humans. This cycle of photosynthesis and cellular respiration is essential to life. Furthermore, mitochondria, the powerhouse of our cells, are directly descended from ancient microorganisms that can directly harvest light energy.
    Link to separate PDF Airnergy, healing your self, Regeneration, Atmen, separate PDF
  • Licht und Leben, healing your self, Regeneration, Atmen
    Breathing is a vital component of life, and it connects the body and mind like no other. According to the holy scriptures (Genesis 2:&), "God formed man of dust from the ground. He breathed life into the man's nostrils, and the man became a living being".
    Link to separate PDF Airnergy, healing your self, Regeneration, Atmen, separate PDF
  • Licht und Leben, healing your self, Regeneration, Atmen
    From a linguistic perspective, “atmos” is a rather clever English abbreviation which has some philosophical knowledge embedded in it. Atmos is short for atmosphere which is the invisible gaseous envelope surrounding the earth. For this reason, “atmos” can be easily substituted with the word “air” and often is replaced with the word “air”. However, there is far more complexity in the meaning of this little word. This is how I would like to start this chapter about CHI in Little Atmos.
    Link to separate PDF Airnergy - Atemgerät, healing your self, Regeneration, Atmen, separate PDF
  • Sonne, Licht und Leben, healing your self, Regeneration, Atmen
    Sunlight is the ultimate source of energy for all life on Earth. It plays a crucial role in our bodies, especially in processes like cellular respiration in the cell. The advancement in science has confirmed that the presence of light is essential for cellular respiration in the cell. Today, it has been proven that melatonin is the “Vitamin D in the darkness.” It is not only a spiritual or sleeping substance; it is a substance that powers our cells so that we have a constant supply of sunlight.
    Link to separate PDF Airnergy, healing your self, Regeneration, Atmen, separate PDF
  • Virus bekämpfen, waldbaden, atmen, zellatmung, regulieren, healing your self, Regeneration, Atmen
    Understanding COVID-19, Understanding Airnergy
    The outbreak of coronavirus has cost over 6 million lives while countless others are suffering from long-term severe mental and physical issues known as Post-Acute Sequelae of COVID-19 (PASC). A recent study indicates 67% of individuals with long COVID-19 develop a condition known as dysautonomia which affects cognition, immune function, inflammation, coagulation, fatigue and exercise intolerance, among others. In addition, many vaccinated people are struggling with unexpected side effects.
    Therapists and Long Covid sufferers unanimously report that regular use of AirnergyLuft brings about a significant improvement in multiple and complex symptoms. clinical pictures ...
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  • Nobelpreistraeger-Otto-Warburg-links-im-Bild
    The Art of Air 2019: Journey through the Century
    ... Dr. Warburg (left in the picture) did pioneering work in the scientific fields of photosynthesis, cellular respiration and the respiratory enzyme ... received the Nobel Prize in 1931 for his research ... These Nobel Prize-winning research into the core of life goes hand in hand with another award that also spans an entire century: the “Innovation of the Century Award” (1912-2012), which was presented to Airnergy Science by the “Fitness Tribune” ...
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Art of Air Award

The “Art of Air” initiative founded by Airnergy has presented the inaugural “Art of Air Award” (AoAA) twice to Dr. Jibin Chi, President of Channel Biomedical Group and Director of CHI Awakening Academy. Dr. Chi is globally involved in holistic medicine, or more precisely, translational medicine, an interdisciplinary branch of biomedicine that brings together the three main pillars of “research, treatment and science” to promote the advancement and improvement of prevention, diagnosis and therapy. Dr. Chi received the award in the “Science” category once again for his extraordinary achievements in the field of respiratory atmospheres. On being honored, the renowned scientist said:

This valuable award fills me with both joy and pride. One of my most important concerns is to make the great benefits of spirovitalization known to the general public internationally. Airnergy technology has perfectly combined the theories of the two Nobel Prize winners Dr. Otto Warburg and Dr. Albert Szent-Györgyi. It brings the air we breathe up to forest air level, so to speak!“

Art of Air Award (AoAA) goes twice to Dr. Jibin Chi

Dr Jibin Chi MD, MBA, MBI (on the right in the picture) receives the ‘Art of Air Award’ (AoAA) from Managing Director Guido Bierther (on the left in the picture)

Dr. Jibin Chi MD, MBA, MBI
optimale Zellatmung, fit mit Airnergy, mobiler Waldluftgenerator, Spirovitalisierung

The internationally renowned researcher, physician and lecturer Dr. Jibin Chi, President of the Channel Biomedical Group and Director of the CHI Awakening Academy, masters the balancing act between spirituality, ancient wisdom teachings, philosophy and modern science with aplomb.
This is successfully applied not only in the highly interesting articles that he regularly writes about the mode of action and scientific background of Airnergy innovations, but also in direct contact with his patients.

Years of scientific research and studies on patients - even beyond medical paradigms - have led, for example, to new insights and a rethinking of diabetes treatment, which until now has often been suboptimal, sometimes even leading to drastic hypoglycemia (low blood sugar).
Practical experience in various countries and industries around the world: preventive medicine, pharmaceuticals, biopharmaceuticals, tissue engineering, medical devices and biotech in Australia, China, Japan, the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, the USA and Sweden, as well as his holistic approach, guarantee well-founded, authentic and applied first-hand experience.

We are very happy to make this valuable asset available to you, dear (potential) users of Airnergy products. Especially since Dr. Jibin Chi MD, MBA, MBI, has been using Airnergy devices for years, including his own device analyses, with great success for himself, his family and his patients.
Here you will find an overview of the articles he has published for Airnergy.

wissenschaftlicher Berater  Dr. Jibin Chi

Dr. Jibin Chi, MD, MBA, MBI
CHI Awakening Academy, Sweden
In the air, in the mind, in the heart

Fit through spirovitalisation with Airnergy, mobile forest air generator, symbolised by a phoenix
Honours and awards
Airnergy has received several awards and prizes for its progressive developments. These include the Century Award for Innovation, an innovation prize that has only been awarded once so far and recognises the Airnergy method in particular as the most holistic source of regeneration of the last 100 years, the
Awarded by the jury of the renowned specialist magazine for health and sport: Fitness Tribune
Also awarded for the first time: by the American Academy of Hospitality Sciences (AAHS)
awarded by the IPO (International Prevention Organisation)

Would you first like to find out what spirovitalization with Airnergy can do for you?

fit with Airnergy, mobile forest air generator, spirovitalization
Your own experience is important
Would you like to try out what Airnergy can do for you? Here you will find a selection of different facilities throughout Germany and in other countries where you can experience "vitalisation with Airnergy". Energy cures with 10 to 20 treatments of 21 minutes each have proven to be a good way of getting to know Airnergy and achieving lasting vitalisation/detox effects.
Your own energy station
Would you like to be using your own energy station at any time?
Whether for use as a commercial service, for subsidised company health care (BGM) in the company or for you and your family at home, simply ask about the leasing, subsidy* and financing conditions.
We will be happy to support you!
*The BDI (Professional Association of German Internists) has confirmed the Ainergy breathing air method as an individual health service (iGeL) in an expert opinion. This means that it can be prescribed and billed as such by doctors and therapists. There are also special funding opportunities for companies, ask us with pleasure!